For the Love of Jewelers: A Jewelry Journey Podcast Presented by Rio Grande
For the Love of Jewelers, a Rio Grande podcast, delves into the multifaceted world of jewelry making. Through candid interviews with leaders and influencers in the field, we uncover the journeys, inspirations and challenges that shape their work.
Whether you're a seasoned jeweler seeking fresh perspectives or an aspiring artisan looking for guidance, join us as we explore the intersection of artistry and business in the jewelry industry.
Have questions or topics you'd like us to cover? We'd love to hear from you!
Reach out to us at podcast@riogrande.com and be a part of the conversation.
For the Love of Jewelers: A Jewelry Journey Podcast Presented by Rio Grande
S4-01: John W. Ford Sr., Running the Show
CEO of the American Gem Trade Association (AGTA), John W. Ford, Sr. states, “that if you’re in the sale of colored gems, you need to be associated with ethically-sourced gems.” At the helm of an organization whose members share this mine-to-market mentality, John confidently knows that every AGTA gemstone, “comes with ethics. It comes with disclosure. It is a peace of mind.” John’s jewelry journey began nearly four decades ago. Through entrepreneurship and decades of award-winning designs, his passion for colored gemstones—especially Australian black opals—naturally led him to his current position. Before his inaugural AGTA GemFair™ Tucson, John sat down with For the Love of Jewelers podcast host Courtney Gray to discuss details on colored gemstones, cultured pearls and the latest collaboration between AGTA and Rio Grande. It’s all included in this engaging fourth season premiere episode!